miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


every day activities



Let’s now a Little more about Carlos’s and his day, read the next text and click on the next link and do the exercices:


 Carlo’s day

In the morning Carlos’s usually gets up at six a.m, after he goes to the kitchen to take breakfast. Carlos’s has a cat its name is Ramon, sometimes carlos’s leaves Ramon with his sister because he doesn'like to leave it alone. Carlos goes to work at nine a.m. frequently he walks to his work but when he gets late he takes a bus. Then, in the afternoon Carlos spends three hours before go to have lunch, he often likes to eat fish, so he goes to a very popular restaurant called Robalo’s restaurant. At 3 p.m. Carlos’s always take a coffee because at that hour he feels a little bit tired, and at 5 p.m. he goes home. Carlos arrives to his sister's house for picking up Ramon and has dinner he never takes it in his house because he doesn’t like eating alone. In the evening, Carlos’s gets at home at 9 p.m the first thing he does is feed Ramon and after that he gets into the bed at 11 p.m

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